Thursday, 20 October 2011

Attack on Team Anna

“If you are not with us then you are against us” Mantra of Congress !!

Anna started his movement for Janlokpal Bill and slowly gradually it became movement against Congress. Congress is in ruling government and they haven’t shown any strong will to pass Janlokpal Bill.

In Politics “when you can’t do anything GOOD then just keep speaking about –ve about party against you. Congress failed to control corruption. It’s UPA member are behind bars in corruption charges so they started attack on Anna and Team Anna.

Digvijay Singh declared Anna has MASK of RSS. They sent notice to his NGO to put further pressure on Anna but Anna came clean from this mess.

Congress attacked Prashant Bhushan for his involvement in some stamp duty matter but as Bhushan is lawyer so he proofed all his points right.

Every now and then there were comments on Arvind Kejariwal but failed to nail him in any matters so finally an unknown person hit him with chappal.

Kiran Bedi’s NGO got notice from Income Tax. Now her travel expenses are under scrutiny. She has done travelling from NGO’s fund.

Let’s assume that all Team Anna members are guilty but it doesn’t give license to Congress for not passing Janlokpal Bill. Congress should stop playing game with Team Anna and should try to pass Janlokpal Bill.

We don’t want to File RTI application to know travel expenses of UPA ministers or else Congress will be in trouble.

Doing Kamaal,

Kamal Upadhyay

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