Friday, 7 October 2011

Sorry Omar

I watched Omar Abdullah on thenewshour giving his side of story in case of Haji Yousuf. I felt like watching a scene from some hindi movie, where lawyer is asking a question and on other side a person is trying best to prove himself innocent.

It’s also surprised to see that Omar came on Times now for interview. As yesterday he gave Times Now award for best fiction of the year. TimesNow is chasing Haji Yousuf story very closely. Omar has finished interview on News channels before coming to Times Now.

The appearance of Omar on Times now look like forced interview to prove himself innocent. Neither Arnab nor Omar was interested in conducting interview as per there gesture.

We don’t know Omar is guilty or not ?

We don’t know Haji Yousuf died due to some internal problem or it’s murder ?

We don’t know involvement of Senior Abdullah ?

We don’t know eye witness is talking true or false ?

There can be chances of making news in this case or it can be true also. Media should stop their trial in this case and let there be charge sheet to be filled for independent enquiry from Police or CBI.

Omar should also stop giving interview if he think that there will be true and correct enquiry by government.

Doing Kamaal,

Kamal Upadhyay

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